Watch Taylor Momsen Cry During Incredible “Like a Stone” Tribute For Chris Cornell


The Pretty Reckless opened for Soundgarden during the band’s final shows this past week prior to frontman Chris Cornell’s death, and frontwoman Taylor Momsen sang Audioslave’s “Like a Stone” in honor of Cornell yesterday for a tear filled incredible performance.

Momsen discussed her excitement about opening for Soundgarden in an interview a couple of weeks ago with Alternative Nation reporter Lauryn Schaffner.

“Well we’ve only played with them once before and it was in Quebec City. They were amazing and I love Matt Chamberlain who was playing with them at the time, but I’m very excited to see them with Matt Cameron tonight. It’ll be my personal first time seeing Matt Cameron play, and he’s one of my favorite drummers.

Soundgarden is one of the bands that brought us as a group together, we all bonded over the Beatles and Soundgarden. So when we got the call that we were gonna open for them, I didn’t know what to say. I have no words – we are extraordinarily excited and I hope we don’t disappoint their fans.”