Zac Brown Shows Love For Tool In Photo


Popular country singer and multi-time Grammy winner Zac Brown recently made an appearance on this week’s WWE Monday Night Raw ahead of the Ottawa Bluesfest on July 10. Well, given the t-shirt that he was wearing, he is a Tool fan.

It came to light a few months back that the estranged wife of country star Zac Brown responded to a civil claim he filed that seeks the removal of her Instagram post that he stated violates a confidentiality agreement she signed.

Kelly Yazdi, 33, called Brown’s suit “meritless” on social media and vowed to respond “swiftly and robustly.”

It has been noted that the couple are divorcing after a four-month marriage last year. Brown’s suit, filed Friday in Georgia, doesn’t indicate which post inspired it. However, it urges the court to order it removed on an emergency basis.

The claim alleged that Yazdi signed a confidentiality agreement but violated it with the post and it tarnished Brown’s image, and says she should be ordered to refrain from “making any defamatory, false, untrue, or otherwise damaging statements” about him.

In her reaction, posted on her Instagram account Sunday afternoon, Yazdi stated that the suit focuses on her publication of two poems on a “personal social media account” and asserts the texts did not breach confidentiality.

Yazdi stated Brown is making a spectacle of their privacy through an “unnecessary” divorce filing, by mocking their nuptials in a music video’s “defamatory caricature” of her, and through an “unnecessary and legally meritless public lawsuit and press release” Friday.

“It is clearly Zac, not me, who has strategically chosen to drag our difficult divorce negotiations into the public eye,” she said on Instagram. “It will not work, and I will not be silenced by him no matter how ridiculous his tactics.”