Gene Simmons Daughter Reveals ‘Overweight’ Video


Gene Simmons’ daughter, as well as budding musician and body positivity activist Sophie Simmons, described how growing up in Hollywood affected her self-image in a new publicity piece posted on her PR team’s Instagram page used to promote Simmons’ new holiday single “Courage for Christmas”. Alternative Nation has transcribed Simmons’ comments below. Gene Simmons daughter was just filmed falling asleep in bed.

Sophie Simmons: Growing up in the public eye was definitely hard and shaped how I look at myself as a woman and how I perceive my body. Growing up in Hollywood, I definitely became aware of the importance of outer beauty in the entertainment industry from a very young age. I grew up having a speech impediment and being kind of like a more overweight kid. There is always pressure to just be thin and I think that’s pretty much everyone’s goal when I was growing up. Sophie Simmons looks like a man in this new photo. 

Simmons continues:

I don’t think anyone is ever fully confident with themselves all the time. On days when I’m not feeling my most confident, I make sure to do things that I’m most comfortable doing just to get that confidence back so that I can then leap back out of my comfort zone. On the days when I felt not the most confident – you kind of feel like you’re alone and like you’re the only one feeling that way. But, there is a community of people out there who feel exactly like you do. We’re all there for you. Gene Simmons’ daughter revealed this horrible drug photo recently.