Josh Homme’s Kyuss Bandmate Has Tour Van Stolen: ‘We’re Out $20,000’


Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme originally played in the band Kyuss, and his former bandmate Brant Bjork has revealed on Facebook that his tour van was recently stolen:

Last night in Gothenburg, Sweden, the scumbags got to us. They stole our tour van from the hotel, drove it off a few blocks and did a fairly good job of emptying our gear. We found the van this morning, wide opened and Brant Bjork Mankind Woman CDs spilled out onto the ground. They got all of our guitars and basses, our pedal boards, most of our drum kit, guitar heads, bass heads, lots of our vinyl, almost all the CDs but the few the dropped on the ground, our hoodies and a lot of tee shirts.

The worst kind of people steal from artists. Despite the scumbags trying to steal our livelihood, the show will go on. Our spirits are still high and we will continue to bring our music to all of you wonderful people. We could use your help funding this loss. We are out to the devastating tune of about $20,000 USD. We set up a go fund me. We would appreciate it if you would come to the shows on this tour and buy some merch. We would love it if you would shop on our website and buy some stuff, and help us get out of this hole. We are grateful for all of your support.

Here’s the few links…