Axl Rose Invites Famous Girls Onto Private Jet


Axl Rose is no doubt one of the nicest guys in rock and roll! Missy Suicide, was interviewed on the latest episode of Appetite For Distortion. Suicide is the founder of the online community-based website SuicideGirls, which revolves around pin-up photography sets of models aptly named, the Suicide Girls. Here Suicide discusses the time Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose flew her models out on a private jet. Alternative Nation transcribed Suicide’s comments. Axl Rose allegedly facing a bad threat from a surprising girlfriend was recently revealed..

Brando: Again, I know it’s so hard to remember, I barely remember what I did yesterday but is there any memory that sticks out to you from that tour? Whether it be interaction with Guns N’ Roses or a specific show that you still hold on to all these years later.

Missy: I remember, personally that there was a problem with the tour bus, the bus that the girls were on for one show. Axl [Rose] had them fly out on his private jet because of this and it was like, the best thing ever for them. They were like – “this is the coolest thing that has ever happened to us. Our bus is broken all the time!” I didn’t go on the tour, it was one of those stressful situations where I’m back at home and trying to deal with the bus company and trying to get things all situated. Like trying someway, somehow for it to work because I want it to work and I caught wind of the problem and was like: “oh thank you for helping me? [Inaudible]  I was like: “So gracious, awesome.” [Inaudible].

Axl Rose was ripped by Guns N’ Roses icon for showing up late a few weeks ago..

Brando: You’re the one doing all the hard work yet you miss out on the flight? That’s the reward for all the blood sweat and tears that you put into it, that’s pretty cool though, good on Axl. It’s not like he couldn’t have paid for another bus but he was like: “Here take my P.J; take my private jet.  That’s pretty bad-ass.

A famous friend of Brian Johnson’s ripped Axl Rose as AC/DC’s singer yesterday.