Van Halen Daughter Bends In Beautiful Suit Photos


Former Van Halen singer Sammy Hagar’s daughter Kama Hagar recently uploaded beautiful beach swimsuit photos, and revealed how she can bend her body. Adam Sandler dropped a painful Eddie Van Halen bombshell a couple of days ago.

Hagar said, “I used to never think I’d be able to do the splits (almost there). I used to hide my dark roots (here they are). I used to despise having my photo taken (okay, I still do), but today @angieselix did such a good job making me feel confident & comfortable, that maybe that last thing will be the final major piece of self-criticism I let go of. I already feel today was transformative. Thank you for your time & energy, lady. You are talented ♥️ @milkteamedia.”

She also recently wrote, “Once upon a time, there was a young girl who felt so pressured by society to look thin and “beautiful” that she unhealthily skipped meals, counted calories down to the extra blueberry, sucked in her already-thin waistline, pushed her body beyond its limits in Hot Power Yoga classes, binged, and wretched until her stomach felt empty enough to go to sleep.

Unfortunately, body dysmorphia is something I am very familiar with. Maybe your family wasn’t in entertainment and maybe you don’t have a background in the fashion industry, but statistics show that 42% of girls between FIRST and THIRD grade wish they were thinner. We are fed bullshit every single day from all angles.

I know this firsthand: industries literally profit off our insecurity. Especially as women.
So what can we do to protect ourselves? ✋🏼 EXTERNAL work: set boundaries, say no, filter what comes in. 👇🏼INTERNAL work: self-work, empowerment, centering practices, spirituality, therapy.

Read my most personal blog yet (link in bio) to learn how to help prevent, heal or help this prevalent issue. As someone who has gone through it myself, and healed through it, I am here.” Michael Anthony broke his silence on Van Halen disrespect a few days ago.