Watch Weezer Singer Cover Green Day’s Basket Case And Smashing Pumpkins’ 1979


Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo recently performed a solo set in Chicago, and he covered Smashing Pumpkins’ “1979” and “Today” along with Green Day’s “Basket Case” and “When I Come Around.” He praised Billie Joe Armstrong and Billy Corgan: “Both the Billies are so awesome.” Watch video below.

Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore (REO Speedwagon cover)
Say It Ain’t So
Pink Triangle
When I Come Around (Green Day cover)
Buddy Holly
Island In The Sun
Across The Sea
Today (Smashing Pumpkins cover)
Can’t Stop Partying
El Scorcho
The Good Life
Basket Case (Green Day cover)
Do You Wanna Get High?
Falling For You
L.A. Girlz
(Girl We Got A) Good Thing
1979 (Smashing Pumpkins cover)
Magic (B.o.B. cover featuring Rivers Cuomo)
Medicine For Melancholy
Sober Up (AJR cover featuring Rivers Cuomo)
No One Else
No Other One
Where Is My Mind (Pixies cover)
Tired Of Sex

Why Bother?

Encore 2:
You Gave Your Love To Me Softly