Bon Jovi Guitarist Defends Bruce Springsteen


Mitch Lafon recently celebrated Bon Jovi’s climb to No. 1 on Billboard’s 1987 Top Pop chart and stating that the band ‘boots Bruce Springsteen to the curb.’ The post tagged Richie Sambora for validation. However, instead, the guitarist quickly came to Springsteen’s defense.

“Hey, nobody boots Bruce to the curb,” he wrote in response.

“A lifetime of dedication to his craft, commitment to his fans, a songwriter and performer that changed people’s lives. Profoundly… For all time… Certainly mine. So, not here.”

A follow-up tweet added, “Whoever doesn’t agree with me, that’s alright… and I would never put down an organization that I was in. But I’ll always support any artist who gives sincerity and his or her life to their fans. I’m allowed my opinion as you. It’s a discussion, not an argument.”

Sambora also had longstanding issues with his former band. His relationship with Jon Bon Jovi has been in the headlines due to their public remarks about the guitarist’s departure and a potential reunion.

In June 2024, Sambora claimed Jon Bon Jovi did not want him included in the band’s documentary, ‘Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story.’ He said his perspective was excluded even after he said he’d come back, and the documentary portrayed him in a bad light.

During that period, Jon stated Sambora quit the band and wasn’t fired. He attributed their lack of communication to the guitarist’s decision to leave and denied that he ever made any serious attempts to return.