Aerosmith Member Makes Ridiculous Demand At Bar


Aerosmith legend Joe Perry was seemingly crazy for frontman Steven Tyler during one of the group’s most recent shows in Las Vegas, Nevada. During the show, Perry took Tyler’s microphone, complete with stand put it between his legs in quite the compromising position and proceeded to pump it just like – well, you can take a look for yourself. You can view the video below. Joe Perry reveals brutal Steven Tyler attack in video.

Perry then asked if Tyler “wanted his room number” after the incident took place to which the Aerosmith frontman replied by going, “what are you trying to say? You fucking love me, don’t you? Is that what you’re trying to say?” Perry then replied: “This way, I don’t have to go down to the bar to find you!”

Steven Tyler was recently caught trying to kiss young assistant in this photo. In other news revolving Steven Tyler and Aerosmith, fans of the group took to the band’s subreddit to debate the merits, impact, and legacy of their 2012 studio album, ‘Music From Another Dimension.’

Reddit user Ce-Tiger said: ‘If you’re talking about the good half of Music from ‘Another Dimension’ I can see it being better than ‘Just Push Play’. ‘Honkin’ on Bobo” is way better than both of those albums though. ‘Honkin’ stands with some of their very best albums.’

Seasons-Of-Wither replied to that by stating: “True, I’ll try to give HOB [‘Honkin’ on Hobo” another listen. The only two songs I don’t like on this album are ‘Oh Yeah’ and the song with that country singer. Other than that, this album is a good one.’ Steven Tyler’s daughter beach swimsuit photos were just revealed.