Andy Wood’s Girlfriend Rips Eddie Vedder Performance


Pearl Jam recently covered Mother Love Bone’s “Crown of Thorns” in honor of the late Andy Wood at Safeco Field in Seattle. Andy’s girlfriend Xana la Fuente, who has been involved in the Seattle music scene for decades and written about her experiences on her Xanaland blog, criticized Eddie Vedder’s performance in a new YouTube comment.

She wrote, “Butchered, hate it , but then I hater hate his voice.”

You can watch the YouTube video below that she commented on.

Pearl Jam recently launched a MoPOP exhibit featuring an Andy Wood statue, King 5 reports.

Visitors to the exhibit will be greeted by a striking statue of singer Andrew Wood by Western Washington sculptor Mark Walker. It was commissioned by Ament to remember his Mother Love Bone bandmate, a beatific star whose untimely death eventually led to Ament and Gossard forming Pearl Jam.

“If anybody that I ever met in my life deserved a bronze statue, it was Andy,” says Ament.

Since the band’s formation, Pearl Jam has always had a strong sense of right and wrong. The sold out Home Shows will raise money for, and focus attention on, Seattle’s homeless crisis.

“It’s baffling to think this could happen here. It just doesn’t make any sense,” says Ament. “There’s I don’t know how many millionaires and billionaires in this town and it just feels like there should be a way to share some of that .”

The MoPOP exhibit Pearl Jam: Home and Away runs through early 2019.