Another Guns N’ Roses Member Almost Joined AC/DC


MSL recently discussed former Guns N’ Roses drummer Steven Adler auditioning for AC/DC during The Razors Edge era on GNRTruth.

“[Chris] Slade was originally intended as a temporary hire to work on the album while AC/DC continued to audition people, including Adler.”

“Adler’s name wasn’t just tossed around as he did audition.”

“Slade was originally just hired temporarily to do the album. No different than Sorum laying down tracks for UYI before it was decided whether he’d be the permanent solution or just do the album.”

“I don’t know the exact timeline of when Slade was offered the full time gig, but Adler was auditioning for the spot even as Slade was recording the album.”

“Just know it was something AC/DC’s manager set up and somewhere along the line he got tipped off by GNR about what a humongous headache Steven is, so AC/DC came to their senses and went in a different direction.”

“Very common for bands to be forced to make a quick decision about hiring someone for an album or tour ASAP, while still taking their time to decide on a more permanent solution, which may or may not be the same person brought in quickly for the pending record or tour.”