Tom Morello told Music Radar in a new interview that Audioslave have ‘great’ unreleased material that he hopes to release. He said that the material was discussed with Chris Cornell prior to his May 2017 death.
“I hope it does, because there’s great Audioslave material in the vault. It’s so sad: we had talked about playing more Audioslave shows and releasing that material and doing something together in the not-too-distant future.”
He also discussed Chris Cornell’s guitar playing, “He had a very wonderful and unorthodox songwriting talent – it was sort of part-Beatles, part-Black Sabbath, but he had this internal non-4/4 time signature clock in him that was really interesting, and it’s in some of those Audioslave songs where he would contribute chord progressions.
“One of the most difficult parts of any Audioslave song for me to play was the bridge of Like A Stone, which was Chris’ chords. Because it was just so counterintuitive to me; he just had very unique chordal inclinations that made for beautiful music, then he would weave his gorgeous melodies on top of them. And still to this day, I have to have a cheat sheet onstage when we do the tribute to Chris, playing Like A Stone – I just have to make sure I don’t mess up the bridge. [laughs]”