Former Guns N’ Roses bassist Tommy Stinson offered insight into Axl Rose’s relationship with his bandmate Slash in a new Live Ledge interview.
“[Axl Rose] is definitely someone that’s very much misunderstood. You know, he’s an emotional guy. He’s gotten a bad rap for his emotions getting the better of him at times, but a lot of what his bad rap is about, I think it’s a lot of fooey. I’ve know the guy for 20 years now, we’ve had our issues back-and-forth, but he’s always had a heart of gold. I don’t thing anybody really knows that part of him. He’s your friend, you know, a fuckin’ a lifer kind of thing, and that’s great.
I think when Slash, when they spit up and stuff – it was such a painful thing. It’d be like your fuckin’ brother leaving you here, or your family breaking up and stuff. To that extent. I saw those guys and they’re having a ball and they’re fuckn’ tearing it up. So I am glad for all of them.”
Thomas Ovesen, CEO of the event organisers, 117Live, recently discussed bringing Guns N’ Roses to Dubai in a Gulf News article.
“The same night that they performed [at Coachella], I was contacted by their agent who said there’s a potential chance that in 2017, after Axl’s shows with AC/DC that had just been announced, they would go out and do some more shows if him and Slash felt that there was a good vibe and they could still be bothered doing it,” he said.
117Live made an offer to bring the band to Dubai, but things went quiet after that.
“Suddenly, towards middle of summer, it all heated up again, and I started receiving calls that they’re enjoying it so much, and they want to extend the tour, they definitely want to pass through the Middle East. They’ve never performed in Dubai,” said Ovesen. (The band has played without Slash in Abu Dhabi twice.)
“I think it’s one of those ones where you can say you get what you pay for. Or I certainly hope we do. We have paid for premium, and what we expect is a very, very tight and seasoned super rock band to come to town on March 3,” said Ovesen.