Ex-Marilyn Manson band member Madonna Wayne Gacy ranted on Chris Cornell, Kurt Cobain, and Chester Bennington’s deaths last week, and he discussed it further in a Sofa King Cool interview.
“I actually believe that Brian [Warner, better known as Marilyn Manson] is better, he has nothing to live for, no parents, no siblings, no children. Unlike Chester, he stays alive, he is a fighter.”
“To be completely honest, I was generally more offended by the death of Chris Cornell or Kurt Cobain over Chester whatever the f***…I am certainly not trying to imply that he doesn’t matter as much to his fans, or to the world in general, but to me it seems like Much Ado About Nothing.”
Gacy also wrote more about Bennington, Cornell, and Cobain on Facebook.
“I wish Americans gave as much of a s*** about all of our veterans committing suicide from PTSD everyday, as they do these three rockstars.”
“But it’s not just the media, it’s the people themselves choosing what they want to care about. The media only covers these deaths, because it will get ratings, because they know people will care about it.”
“My whole point is that any musician, no matter how influential, like let’s say John Lennon, is as important as our veterans.”
“These three men were wealthy enough to afford proper mental health care, and so could have avoided this issue. Most veterans are not that wealthy.”
“Again I don’t dislike these three men, I just dislike what they did. I find it selfish.”
“I feel for their families more than I feel for them.”
“The pain of these three men is over, the pain of their families continues.”
“And in fact, they actually inflicted pain upon their families.”
“It is not that I am being insensitive, it is that I am being aware of whom to be sensitive to and why.”