Billie Eilish Surprises Nine Inch Nails Fans With Photo


Music star Billie Eilish recently made her second appearance on Saturday Night Live on December 11. However, this time around she both hosted and served as the musical guest herself. One of the fans noted Eilish donning ‘NIN’ shirt, referring to Nine Inch Nails band. Nine Inch Nails’ singer recently revealed the first release of 2022.

Billie Eilish did brilliantly on Saturday Night Live

Her opening monologue was about the scrutiny she gets as a young artist, saying that her birthday is coming up. she joked. She also took the opportunity to poke fun at head writer Colin Jost saying:“I’m turning 20 or as the internet likes to call that: middle-aged,”

She further stated that: “The scary thing about growing up in the public eye, is that people decide that everything you say, and do, and look like, is who you are forever. That’s not fair.”

After nailing the monologue, Eilish held her own in her sketches with the SNL team. She and Kate McKinnon played hotel Kathlyn and Kathreen in a bizarre advertisement for a chain called Business Garden Inn & Suites & Hotel Room Inn.