Billy Corgan Reunites With Former Smashing Pumpkins Bassist


Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has reunited with the band’s former touring bassist Katie Cole. Cole played bass for the Pumpkins during their 2015 and 2016 In Plainsong tours.

Corgan wrote on Instagram, “New album finished save for some background vocals by my friend and compatriot @katiecoleofficial. So here’s a snippet of the last thing we got into yesterday: ‘Six White Horses.’”

You can watch video of “Six White Horses” below. This year will be an exciting one for Billy Corgan fans, as he is expected to release a new album album and two Smashing Pumpkins EP’s.

Corgan wrote on Instagram last week, “The world that made me is the same world that denies you your birthright. And is the same world that says neither I, nor you, exist as we conceive in our own mind’s eye. But if you accept the blessings of such relentless negation, they and only they have the keys to restitution.

This is the maze of the Devil and the Dead. Fake idols, false gods, false life, false world.”

He also wrote, “Knowing most don’t read these missives is a somewhat dangerous temptation. Because it does encourage me to speak freely. But let’s be honest: free speech is a rapidly devolving concept, and many are now faced with a historical choice, which is speak your peace and invite anything but, or simply stay quiet and watch the world as you know it disintegrate before what I am consistently told is my untrustworthy eye. As in: ‘Hey mister, what you see happening isn’t really happening. Got it?’

I beg to differ, and hence the conundrum. So let’s just say i choose to speak through my work, and if you can hear what’s actually being said, all the better.

It also occurs to me that the need for othering, occlusion, or what passes nowadays for social shame has been carefully engineered over millennia as a most decided instrument of control. Or, to put it bluntly, what would be the need for such use of force. Or-or as Mick Jagger once said, ‘Why break a butterfly on a wheel?’ Lastly, I would like to illuminate something I said in a recent interview, where I referred to my rejection of the shadow world that is presented to us all as some new kind of Utopia. If you see the world through your window a simple, polemic choice: real or not real, sunny or raining, your humanity should kick in and say ‘It is my wish to know.’ And it’s that wish that comes from your own knowing that makes these choices easy. Break a false dream and you are free. Accept it and you will work at the behest of something unseen. To me, the stuff of nightmares. To others, cold comfort.”