Billy Corgan revealed in a recent Instagram Q&A that The Smashing Pumpkins song “Bleeding The Orchid” is a homage to Alice In Chains.
Alice In Chains is playing at a small venue 4 hours away soon. Is the show worth the trek?
“Absolutely. @AliceInChains.”
Is it true that ‘Bleeding the Orchid’ pays homage to Alice In Chains? (Absolutely love the song BTW!)
Corgan also shared a new post on Instagram discussing his future.
“A few have asked about whether or not I’ll be continuing the Q + A’s now that the North American component of the tour is finished. To that, I’d say the response has been overwhelmingly positive, and as stated a few days back I appreciate the discourse, and most importantly when I posted your statements (albeit anonymously), which formed a beautiful, collective picture of sort of where a like-minded people can share common ground, and where we, together, would like to see some positive shift in our world that’s a long time in coming. Heady stuff, for sure. But in practical reality I feel like I’ve fallen back to Earth, and this is where normally I’d retreat to focus on new works and whatever healing I need to dust myself off to get back in the game.
Yet signs indicate something far different is due, and though I cannot share the particulars at this time, maybe instead of barreling forward this moment of respite should also stand for careful consideration of a change that’s a long time in wait. To be clear, I am talking about spiritual change and not necessarily a literal one. For the band is good, spirits are high, and we continue to find the balance that’s needed to continue. So no, I’m talking about a fundamental shift in philosophy that can only occur when you’ve climbed up out of the muck and you have your wits about you. Could be the Moon, but perhaps it’s time for a different kind of time. For I, and the band by extension, have tried every other iteration of ambition, dissolution, conquering and failure. So if it’s victory you are after, and you don’t have it squarely in hand, what gets it to you like some trophy?
A forever and ever thing, I’m thinking. And something man cannot steal back…”