Billy Corgan Reveals What Layne Staley Was Really Like


Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan had recently been conducting Instagram fan Q&As on his story. Below are excerpts, including Corgan’s thoughts on late Alice In Chains singer Layne Staley.

Did you ever meet Layne Staley? What was he like?

Yes, many times. He was great.

You compared yourself to Taylor Swift a couple of days ago. Have you ever listened to her songs?

Did not compare myself to her. Read past headlines, please.

Favorite Steve Albini produced album?


How INTENSE was the vocal recording for Bodies? It’s most painfully aggressive scream ever.

Sang it in a room with the speakers at 100 dB. No joke.

When did you get sober and why?

You’re confusing me with other typical musicians.

Corgan also wrote about his Taylor Swift Instagram post, where he jokingly posted a side by side he was sent with the question of if he was her father, in a new post.

“This is a shot from yesterday’s soundcheck, where Uncle Jimmy (@chamberdrums) let Augustus have some sea time from his lofty position. And interesting to note, re: my parentage: since the last spiritually-themed post that saw me mocking cluckbait actually made cluckbait worthy of mockery. What a dumb, shameful world we live in. Where the skilled are turned into marionettes without strings! Whatever, as we used to say back in the day…
Life is wonderful! Every day on this tour, a blessing. So this is not complaint. This is scorn in the old-fashioned way. As in: to Satan be gone. And holy, unlike the religious clap trap I’ve been getting, either. Friends, let no one tell you about the true nature of God’s Love, including me. God is more than capable of handling the situation! And you’ll know when He/She is using someone you trust as in instrument. Because quite simply, the song you hear rings true.

A friend wrote me today and suggested something I should address, which was denoting the personal turnaround point for me from let’s say the past to the present, or my real sorrow to a state of happiness. And it’s a great question because I honestly don’t wish to dwell on the negative, and precisely because such dwelling has a way of muddying the waters of the moment at hand; which is collectively considering why so many people are hurting, and hurting deep, and what we can do about that as a greater family (and pick your tribe: human, SP-ites, rainbow children, all are welcome. Cause in our world we don’t care where you come from, what color you are, who you love, etc. We LOVE you as you are). So again, my story is not yours, and I’m happy to share it where it helps, but your story is what we’re really after. So thank you to those that have had the courage to write and share. Big ups to you! Next time I post I will do my best to address the question of the so-called turnaround but let me say this: each of us has a choice to make an honest difference. And if you don’t have the strength (today) to help yourself, do something kind for someone else. Such beautiful benevolence falls under the quantum laws, where an act of Love creates more Love from thin air, as if magic.”

This is a shot from yesterday's soundcheck, where Uncle Jimmy (@chamberdrums) let Augustus have some sea time from his lofty position. And interesting to note, re: my parentage: since the last spiritually-themed post that saw me mocking cluckbait actually made cluckbait worthy of mockery. What a dumb, shameful world we live in. Where the skilled are turned into marionettes without strings! Whatever, as we used to say back in the day… Life is wonderful! Every day on this tour, a blessing. So this is not complaint. This is scorn in the old-fashioned way. As in: to Satan be gone. And holy, unlike the religious clap trap I've been getting, either. Friends, let no one tell you about the true nature of God's Love, including me. God is more than capable of handling the situation! And you'll know when He/She is using someone you trust as in instrument. Because quite simply, the song you hear rings true. A friend wrote me today and suggested something I should address, which was denoting the personal turnaround point for me from let's say the past to the present, or my real sorrow to a state of happiness. And it's a great question because I honestly don't wish to dwell on the negative, and precisely because such dwelling has a way of muddying the waters of the moment at hand; which is collectively considering why so many people are hurting, and hurting deep, and what we can do about that as a greater family (and pick your tribe: human, SP-ites, rainbow children, all are welcome. Cause in our world we don't care where you come from, what color you are, who you love, etc. We LOVE you as you are). So again, my story is not yours, and I'm happy to share it where it helps, but your story is what we're really after. So thank you to those that have had the courage to write and share. Big ups to you! Next time I post I will do my best to address the question of the so-called turnaround but let me say this: each of us has a choice to make an honest difference. And if you don't have the strength (today) to help yourself, do something kind for someone else. Such beautiful benevolence falls under the quantum laws, where an act of Love creates more Love from thin air, as if magic.

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