Billy Corgan To Give Spiritual Talk In Illinois


Billy “WPC” Corgan seems again to venturing into the dialogue on spirituality. In the last few years, Corgan’s spirituality seems to take a bigger place in his life. Earlier in 2009, Corgan opened a website for some time entitled “Everything From Here to There” for the primary subject of “Mind-Body-Soul integration” and how “it can best manifest in our daily life.” Unfortunately, this website’s domain fell out of service sometime around 2012-2013. At the end of this article, I have included the opening letter from the website, found through an Internet archive and no longer available anywhere else.

Journalist Jennifer Weigel, a local Chicago celebrity and writer who has written on spirituality in several books and articles. December 15th, just in a number of days, she will host an event at the Wilmette Theater in Wilmette, Illinois as a part of her “Conversations with Weigel” series, in which she interviews a guest every month on the subject matters pertaining to spirituality. It will be the first kind of interview that Corgan has had in months, since the End Times tour came to an end during late summer. Tickets are $30 and available here.

As promised, here is the opening letter from “Everything From Here to There”, one of the website’s only surviving documents:

Hello, many blessings to you for visiting Everything From Here to There.

The purpose of this website is to discuss openly and without fear concepts of Mind-Body-Soul integration. If you are drawn to the Hidden Truths, drawn to God as something beyond limitation, and drawn to Love as the greatest force in the Universe, then you have come to the right place at the right time. This is a place of Love.

In discussing Mind-Body-Soul integration within the context of holistic Truth, many topics will be explored here that may be new to you. Like any good tree that one would hope to grow, we must set our roots deep into the ground so that what is real will prosper in the Light of Love.

This site is non-denominational, we promote no religion, and if we speak of any belief or faith system it won’t be at the expense of another. That is not to avoid the obvious. Most of the citizens of this planet put their faith in someone or something. This website respects every belief and every faith as an expression of God’s greater Will.

This is not a place of judgment, nor a place of making proof. We begin with the idea that there is a God. We begin with the undying belief that there is a unifying intelligence that manifests itself in Every-thing. Even if you don’t believe in God, exploring fully the idea of a God or Gods should pose no threat to you. The idea of a higher collective intelligence or consistent organizing principle should be worth contemplating no matter what you believe in (or don’t believe in). For who is God if not Us?

Mind-Body-Soul integration is the primary focus of this site, and how it can best manifest in our daily life. We will strive to celebrate the brilliant Spirit in each individual and work collectively to glorify that which is Holy in each and every one of us. To honor and recognize that support for another is also support for ourselves. To kindle the flame in every heart humbly as gratitude for our opportunity here to make a subtle yet important difference. It is that simple.

The date of origination for Everything From Here to There is 9.9.09, a perfect date to mark this beginning of a wonderful opportunity. We swing the garden gate open, and ALL are welcome Here.

William Patrick Corgan”