During an interview with The Huffington Post yesterday, Blink-182 got awkward when Travis Barker discussed his rekindled bromance with former singer/guitarist Tom DeLonge. Watch the clip below of Travis Barker discussing his planned trip to a water park with DeLonge.
“That was actually with Tom, who used to be in the band. I was in a band with him for 20 years, and he’s still a friend of mine.”
“I don’t feel, personally, that I’ve lost the angst. I still get upset about things in the world and things in my life and things that happen with my friends,” Mark Hoppus said in an interview with The Huffington Post, adding, “Hopefully I’ve gotten better as a lyricist as I’ve gotten older.”
Hoppus’ son, who’s now 14 years old, enjoys listening to Blink-182’s new album California at home.
“He really likes this record. I’ll be hearing him in his room and he’s doing homework and he’s singing Blink songs,” Hoppus said. “That makes me happy.”
“I mean, we’re responsible human beings with kids and things like that, but we also get to play music for a living,” Hoppus said. “We’re lucky enough to be in a career where we don’t necessarily have to grow up.”