Auto-tune is nothing new. It’s a tool that allows singers to correct their pitch ensuring that they deliver a flawless performance for all of their fans in a live setting, and also in the studio. However, it has also been a source of controversy, with critics arguing that it takes away from the authenticity and rawness of live performances. The reality is that auto-tune is now a widely used tool in the music industry, and it’s time to stop demonizing it and embrace its benefits. Just ask Mark Hoppus of Blink-182 when he took to defending Tom DeLonge’s recent auto-tune laden performance.
One of the most common misconceptions about auto-tune is that it’s only used by singers who can’t sing. While it’s true that auto-tune has been used to cover up weak vocals, it’s also used by talented singers who want to enhance their performances. Live performances can be unpredictable, and even the most seasoned artists can have off nights. Auto-tune allows them to hit the right notes, maintain their pitch, and keep their timing consistent, ensuring a polished and professional performance.
For years, Tom DeLonge has been a focal point for vocal scrutiny as many fans want his “old” or “younger” voice back. So, with that, Blink and their crew tried to do this with the help of auto-tune. Yet again, fans were not happy.
It’s important to remember that auto-tune is just a tool. Like any tool, it’s only as good as the person using it. A talented singer will still sound great with auto-tune, but an untalented singer will still sound bad, even with the help of auto-tune. It’s not a magic wand that can turn anyone into a great singer.
In videos that flooded the feeds of many, Tom was “exposed” for using auto-tune and fans hated it. Mark Hoppus then spoke up (which was posted around on Reddit) and told everyone to chill out on all the hate comments via Tom’s auto-tune use.
Tom isn’t the first to use auto-tune and it’s time to stop seeing it as a bad thing. All artists use it, from the biggest pop stars to indie musicians. It’s a tool that allows them to deliver a polished and professional performance, and it’s also an artistic choice that can create a unique sound. As long as it’s used responsibly and with intention, there’s no reason to demonize auto-tune. It’s just another tool in the toolbox of today’s musicians and it’s here to stay.