Chris Cornell offered an update on Soundgarden’s new album in a new Billboard interview.
We’re about halfway through writing the new album. We’re not on a schedule.What I look forward to the most — because I tour so much, especially the last couple of years, by myself — is the camaraderie. It’s what we missed when we weren’t a band. When I do solo tours, I’m really kind of alone all the time, so that’s the best thing about it.
He also discussed writing “The Promise.”
“I’d love to be able to have the effect of [The Promise] not just represent a century ago, but bring it into now. When people get done watching the film, rather than think, “Wow, what a horrendous thing that happened a century ago,” realize that it is happening now, realize the film [is] telling a true story and you’re seeing how it was created. And the fact that those warning signs are pretty much always the same leading up to a genocide. We have the ability as a global community to pre-empt that, if we’re paying attention and we’re not allowing our leaders to politicize it and get away with it. It’s the goal of everyone in the film that it’s representative of the past, but it’s also exposing the present.