Rare stories have surfaced on Facebook about late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell and late Alice In Chains singer Layne Staley visiting the same Seattle area Toys R Us in 2001. A former Toys R Us employee shared photos of autographs she covertly got from the legendary singers. This is the only known photo of a Layne Staley autograph to surface from his final few years alive.
“so sad…I met [Chris Cornell] in 2000…at Toys R Us of all places. I helped him and his mom shopping for baby stuff.”
“Chris Cornell used to come to GameWorks in Seattle in the early 2000’s when his daughter was a toddler. She’d run around the redemption games like a crazy kid, and he’d slump on the seats for the horse racing game like a typical worn out dad. I would keep people from bugging him for autographs when I could.”
“R.I.P. Chris. When I worked at Toys R Us back in 2001 both Chris Cornell and Layne Staley would come in frequently. Chris and his Mom would buy presents for his sister’s kid and were always the nicest and chill, and Layne always got video games and loved shooting the shiz as long as no one acknowledged who he was. Cool people all around. I am sorry for the demons that tormented them..I made sure to get their signatures in a sneaky way to keep them cool with me. Just goes to show, you can have it all and still be tormented, sorry to the families of Cornell and Staley and other people that suffer silently.”