Chris Cornell Opens Up About Fearing ‘Not Protecting’ Family In Heartbreaking Final Studio Video


A video from one of Chris Cornell’s final studio sessions recording “The Promise” has been released. In the video, the late legendary Soundgarden singer discusses the song, which was written for the film of the same name. The film is about the Armenian Genocide.

“It’s so hard and difficult to imagine being a father, and not being able to protect your wife or your children. That kind of spun me out on it thinking about it that way. So our first conversation was this story has to be told, like any story like it would have to be told, with the truth asserted. Otherwise, people have short memories, they give up, and they forget. They don’t realize that if you don’t look at the past, then you have no way to navigate the future.”

Former Audioslave guitarist Tom Morello discussed Chris Cornell in a new Gitarre Bass interview. Below is an excerpt. Keep in mind the interview was translated from German.

Finally, let’s talk about stations and aspects of your career. Between 2001 and 2007 you have z. B. played for seven years on Audioslave – alongside the late Chris Cornell. How much did his suicide surprise you – or not?

Tom Morello: Oh, that’s a tragedy and incredibly sad. He was an amazingly nice guy and one of the most talented musicians I’ve ever worked with.

Were not you angry that he just dissolved Audioslave – and then by fax?

Tom Morello: Only briefly. We spoke out and were really good friends again. Besides, I really enjoyed making music with him. Like in January, at our first Audioslave show for 12 years. We played at the Anti-Inaugural Ball – a protest against Donald Trump. And then Chris and I did another gig in Seattle – at a Nightwatchman concert where he supported me in my demand to top up the legal minimum wage to $ 15 an hour. So both times it was about a charitable cause. And there he was really great – he really blasted. He sang well, looked great and was happy. Why we wanted to do more. The last thing he said to me was, “I had a great time.”