Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament recently had a tribute painting of Chris Cornell made, and it is the cover of the iconic Soundgarden singer’s new career retrospective album. A mural featuring the art work by Pearl Jam’s bassist is now at Easy Street Records right next to Andrew Wood. @son_of_a_gun1969 has detailed painting the mural showing Ament’s artwork, and Cornell’s label having him redo it to make it bigger in a new Instagram post.
“Bigger better Chris Cornell mural at @easystreetrecords had to do this mural again because the label said it was too small for the space given. I wasn’t happy about it but I’m glad I did it the second time. It looks a lot better and I’m super happy of the end result. It was worth it because of Chris Cornell @chriscornellofficial i hope people would enjoy this and remember Chris and his music, I know I do. We love you and miss you Chris, thank you for your contribution to us in the northwest, #seattle and the world. #sonofagunart #art #giveart #portraitartist #portraitart #portraitoftheday #follow #artist #painting #dailyart #dailypainting #easystreetrecords #pnw #chriscornell #chriscornelltribute #audioslave #soundgarden.”
Chris Cornell’s widow Vicky thanked Easy Street Records on Instagram.
“Thank you- its truly amazing!”
He had previously written about the original smaller version, “Done for today thanks for the great weather Seattle thanks @easystreetrecords and last but not least thanks to my assistant My daughter Cyan?? @chriscornellofficial #chriscornell #sonofagunart #mural #muralartist #artist #seattle #pnw #recordstore #chriscornelltribute #audioslave #soundgarden.”
He wrote when having to paint over the old version before starting the new one, “Had to… #painting #dailypainting #mural #hadto #hatetodoit #muralartist #easystreetrecords #artist #art #follow #seattle #pnw #westseattle.”
See photos and videos of both versions of the Chris Cornell mural below.