Courtney Love wrote a Christmas letter to her late husband Kurt Cobain on Instagram yesterday:
“That Christmas moment in everyones lives that you never forget, the one that makes you feel on top of the world, where the greatest gifts are the loved ones you shared that moment with. Well this is mine, I’m grateful to have ever experienced that moment. Merry Christmas Kurt, the greatest true love I’ve ever experienced in my life. You gave me the gift that makes life worth living, our incredibly talented, loving, beautiful and gifted daughter Frances Bean Cobain. Merry Christmas Bean, love mom and dad ❤”
Courtney Love wrote an emotional note to her late husband Kurt Cobain on Instagram in August as well, with a picture of herself, Kurt, and daughter Frances Bean. Love wrote, “Makes me feel so sad. Our baby is all grown up now. Jesus Kurt look at her face, what on earth were you thinking..⁉⁉ God I miss you, we all miss you #family #memories #turnbacktime #lovehim.”