In 2018, renowned Alter Bridge guitarist Mark Tremonti delved into his time with Creed and shed light on the band’s reunion, which spanned from 2009 to 2012. Amidst the discussion, Tremonti revealed an intriguing piece of information that will surely ignite the curiosity of Creed fans worldwide: he has an entire album’s worth of material sitting in the vault. However, before we get our hopes up, it’s important to note that the likelihood of a new Creed album surfacing anytime soon remains uncertain, unless we witness a seismic shift in the music industry.
As reported by Live Wire, The burning question on everyone’s mind revolves around the future of Creed and whether we can anticipate another musical endeavor from the band. When confronted with this inquiry, Tremonti disclosed, “I’m sitting on an entire Creed album.” He clarified that the material in question originates from the band’s reunion era, stating, “We put a lot of music together, and I have these really rough, sketchy demos of approximately 13 songs. I revisited them about a year ago, and I must say, they’re good songs.”
This rumor of a new album gained traction once again when it was said that Creed will be stating a comeback on July 19th.
Tremonti candidly addressed the current constraints hindering the realization of a new album. “It’s just a matter of time,” he admitted. While recognizing the strength of these demo songs, he also emphasized the vast amount of work he has dedicated to his solo career over the past 14 years. “Is it compelling enough for me to set aside everything I’ve been working on? Regrettably, no,” Tremonti affirmed. Nevertheless, he left the door slightly ajar for the possibility of a future Creed record, saying, “Could it happen 10 years from now or perhaps in seven years… if a significant resurgence occurs, or if there’s a special anniversary where the demand for Creed resurfaces as it once did? I wouldn’t completely dismiss it.”
As Creed enthusiasts eagerly await news of a potential reunion, it’s important to temper expectations while acknowledging the passion and creativity that Mark Tremonti continues to pour into his solo endeavors. Although the fate of a new Creed album hangs in the balance, the enigmatic allure of this unreleased material serves as a reminder of the band’s enduring legacy, and the tantalizing possibility that their sonic journey may one day be reignited.