Dave Grohl Drops Embarrassing Them Crooked Vultures Bombshell


Foo Fighters frontman and iconic drummer of Nirvana Dave Grohl was on the Bon Appétit Foodcast recently to promote his new barbeque company. During the show, Grohl revealed why he thought the viral studio video footage for Them Crooked Vultures entitled Fresh Pots was originally very embarrassing. Alternative Nation transcribed Grohl’s comments. 

Grohl: Anyway, so the Fresh Pots thing. When the record was coming out we didn’t have a video, we didn’t make a video for a song but my friend Liam made that as a joke, this stupid Fresh Pots thing. My manager was like: “do you mind if we put this Fresh Pots thing out instead of a video?” and I’m like, have you seen it? It’s so embarrassing! 

Host: I haven’t seen the Queen movie either.

Grohl: It’s not as good as the Queen movie, it’s so embarrassing but I took one for the team, I’m like: “yeah, sure.”. It comes out and within a day it has, like, a million views on YouTube. The next day, I go to the grocery store and I’m checking out, the guy who is bagging my stuff is like: “hey man, cha want a cup of coffee?” 

During the same podcast, Grohl shared a story about how drinking too much coffee made him think he was losing his mind, and he said it made him feel like he was on crack cocaine. AlternativeNation transcribed Grohl’s comments. 

Grohl: I don’t know if you’re familiar but there once was this YouTube video that was called Fresh Pots, which has millions and millions of views and I’ll tell you why. I was in this band called Them Crooked Vultures with Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age and John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin. So we were making that record and I was drinking so much coffee, I was actually making two records and having my second child at the same time. So I was sleeping four hours a night, I’m an insomniac, I was sleeping four hours a night. I’d not sleep and I’d drink a pot of coffee by myself. Following this, I would go to the studio and drink another pot of coffee, working on this Foo Fighters thing. In between coffee, I would drink this Tejevas stuff. It’s like tea, free based tea.


Host: Hot coffee, cold tea,

Grohl: Hot coffee and cold tea in between, then I would have another pot, go to the Vultures studio and drink another pot so in a day I was drinking – no exaggeration, three to four pots of coffee. I would then get home from the studio at one o’ clock in the morning and be like: “why can’t I sleep?” and I would try to fucking sleep for four hours, wake up and do it all again.

Grohl continues:

Grohl: So, while I was drinking all that coffee, this friend of ours is making a documentary of us making the record. So he was getting all of this on film and I was losing my fucking mind, I was spazzing out hardcore.

Host: Were your eyes twitching?

Grohl: No, I felt like I was on crack like I was out of my fucking mind.  I had to go to the hospital.