Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl yet again was cooking BBQ as part of his Backbeat BBQ project a week ago in Los Angeles, and he was filmed taking a break to dance (terribly, but we love it!) to Madonna’s “Holiday”.
Chef Stef Kelly posted on Instagram, “Thank you @paulvitagliano for bringing me as your plus one to Jude’s Gotchya Party- @chefbkalman pickles, chopped Giardiniera and pizza were popping (I gotta get me one of those Breville tabletop pizza makers for my culinary class); Dave Grohl’s smoked ribs, brisket and pulled pork for FIRE- so tender, juicy and flavorful!; and my favorite- Gina’s corn pudding…SOFA-KING-GOOD!!
Looking forward to doing it all again Saturday w my C-CAP Los Angeles students at the LA Food Bank fundraiser!”
Andrew Major posted on Instagram, “Hey @chefbkalman, I love this Sunday dinner idea where Dave Grohl cooks at your house and then you guys play guitar. See you next Sunday??? #onlyinla #davegrohl.”
Paul Vitagliano posted on Instagram, “Dave Grohl smoking ribs, brisket, and pulled pork with Bruce making killer pizza and Gina with her to-die-for cornbread souffle #JudesGotchaParty #backbeatbbq #davegrohl #davesbbq #bbqwithdave #pitmastergrohl #chefdavegrohl.”