Eddie Van Halen Bandmate Makes Disturbing Alcohol Claim


Eddie Van Halen has admitted in the past to issues with alcohol before getting sober, but David Lee Roth discussed his own alcohol mishap on a recent episode of The Roth Show. Roth said he got knocked out cold while attempting to carry 28 beers before a Van Halen show. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments. Eddie Van Halen’s wife announced dementia in a sad photo a few days ago.

“Shortest beer run ever, I’m carrying 28 beers, that’s the actual feet of strength and the athletic achievement of this single event. I come out of the back of the atrium or whatever they call it in the same arena that Van Halen is going to be playing in in the next day. 15 to 20,000 of your closest screaming friends and fans, alright, that big.

As soon as I cleared the overall door, no, this isn’t ballet, this is boxing, stay focused. (Laughs) Alright, maybe it’s a little ballet. And I cleared the door, just like this, with all the beers and everything, and knockout. I think it was a 14 second knockout, boom, goes down with the lights out. That’s it, and I just carried the beers all the way. We were up near the front, of course, we’re rock stars. We come right up the front, I say, ‘Guys, followe me, we’ll hand these out in the parking lot.’ I never even stopped walking.”

Michael Anthony discussed an Eddie Van Halen nightmare a few days ago. Sammy Hagar revealed why he ‘can’t’ be friends with Eddie Van Halen during a recent Grammy museum performance.

“I think I saw rock ‘n’ roll fame and stardom on the highest level. We were probably [one of the] top three biggest bands in the world, and we made so much money and had all that success and fame, and I saw how drugs and alcohol abuse can take anyone down. What I really learned was that when you have the freedom to have anything you want whenever you want it, that’s when you’ve got to really be careful. That’s what I got out of the whole thing other than great music, and I love those guys still. I wish we could be friends, but unfortunately, we can’t. I don’t know why, but we just can’t seem to… it’s just some kind of a rub.

It’s really weird, because [Michael Anthony] and I don’t have it, but Ed and [Alex Van Halen], they can fight like cats and dogs. You get in there and try to break it up, and you end up getting in a fight with one of them. It’s like, ‘Hey, man, I’m just trying to get you guys separated.’ They’re really tight — they’re really close, and [it’s] hard to break that through. I can say that I really learned that that’s when you need control the most, when you have the opportunity to have anything you want whenever you want it.” Howard Stern revealed why Van Halen fired Michael Anthony last week.