Eddie Vedder Holds Wife In Romantic Boat Photo


Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder’s wife Jill has uploaded a photo of her and Eddie holding each other on a boat.

She wrote, “Now this is living #mylove #JustTheTwoOfUs❤️ #bestlife 🏝”

Jill also posted, “I can not stop thinking about the tragedy these communities, and the country have experienced this past week.

Gun violence is a daily occurrence here in the US. We shouldn’t have to live like this. In Atlanta or Boulder or anywhere else.

Our elected leaders owe us #MoreThanThoughtsAndPrayers to end our gun violence crisis—they owe us action. Once again we are asking you text CHECKS to 644-33 to send your senators a message now to pass common sense gun safety laws. This is NOT about taking your beloved guns away. This is about COMMON SENSE solutions to help with this crisis.”

Eddie and Jill Vedder are prominent voices for many policy and social causes backed by the Democrat party, with gun legislation being a major issue they have backed.