Foo Fighters New Album Title Finally Revealed


Foo Fighters new album is called Medicine to Midnight. The band have been teasing the new album with ‘X’ posters around Los Angeles, as this is the band’s 10th studio album in their legendary 25-year history.

Foo Fighters teased a new song titled “Shame Shame” on social media yesterday.

Cabob Is Epic posted a new Foo Fighters album theory on Reddit, “This morning we got the second teaser for the new single (shame shame according to this community), this teaser added drums to the piece of the track we got yesterday.

So my theory is that up until the Foo’s SNL performance of the 7th we’ll get another band member each day in addition to their track, my best guess for the order is either Nate or rami, then Chris, then Dave followed with the release of the single & a live performance of it on SNL.”

Smacevic responded, “I think its going to build up all day leading with a midnight release of the song (tomorrow is music release day) and then tomorrow in addition to the song they announce that the new album will be released the following week. (On Friday the 13th)”

Baxterstrangelove theorized, “I wonder will the album be released first week of December? For streaming and physical release. Dave does like to build up to the release dates Deftones announced WP anniversary album with CD and vinyl release that week.”