Gene Simmons‘ daughter, the cunning and heart-stopping Sophie Simmons got one over on her ‘Demon’ dad recently as the two posed together in the car for what was seemingly an unsuspecting picture. When in reality it was Sophie posting these hilarious yet painful poses of daddy Gene, and brother Nick, on her Instagram story for all to see. Including you. You can take a look at these certainly shocking photos below.
In other news regarding Sophie Simmons’ father – the ‘demonic’ Gene Simmons. fans came from all over to discuss the merits of his latest book: “27: The Legend and Mythology of the 27 Club”.
Gene Simmons’ daughter, the artistic and masterful Sophie Simmons letting everyone know just how much of a talented superstar she is. Here, you can see our budding songstress in from of the Universal Music Publishing Group building for what was surely a productive and powerful meeting. <a href=”>Gene Simmons wife just confirmed this horrible firing news. One fan mused: “I found the book to be very interesting and informative! I felt the need to ponder and consider what topics were brought up by Mr. Simmons and his son Nick. All in all, I give it five stars and you will enjoy reading this book. No, I do not feel the need to idolize anyone in this book as I like to look at the complete package! I see a very talented group of people who made bad choices in their lives. I have been around people all my life that were very smart/talented but had no common sense at all…sound familiar. History has shown to repeat itself over and over. I find it sad that people can’t learn from that and make better choices. Do I feel the press is dirty ‘Yes’ Don Henley wrote..Kick em when their up and kick em when their down. I feel the stars deserve their quiet time.”
The reviewer continued, “I would suggest you surround yourself with people who will care about you while you are in that quiet time. Once again choices! I read where Gene and Paul would practice seven days a week at times, there was never any time for stupid decisions in their plans of working hard and making it to the top. Guess what? They made great decisions and it paid off! I don’t care if you want to play guitar in your basement forever or you want to follow down the road of your personal favorite Rock God, pay attention, full attention to every detail. You get up every day and make choices! Only the strong survive. Gene Simmons