Greta Van Fleet said that Led Zeppelin were not an ‘overwhelming influence’ on them in a new FaceCulture interview.
“I think that we’ve become more conscious of it, because I don’t think before we ever really realized, in a lot of senses, the similarities or the commonalities that we share with that group,” guitarist Jake Kiszka said.
“It’s being said over and over, and I think it’s one of the greatest compliments that could ever be given to a young band like ourselves. They’re arguably one of the greatest rock bands of all time, so that is humbling and inspiring and honorable, in that sense. But I think that we’ve become more conscious of the similarities, because it’s been said, and I think we’ve taken some time to go back and almost identify with it. ‘Oh, it’s interesting, because there is a lot of those commonalities.’ Even if it exactly wasn’t an overwhelming influence of ours, it still was influential and we can certainly see it. But overall, it doesn’t really affect the writing of our music.”
Jake recently told Loudwire about the band’s debut full length album: “We’re in the mixing process, so it’s going to be quite soon. We’re wrapping it up, so we’re hoping to release that absolutely this year.”
Bassist Sam Kiszka added: “We had all these songs we wrote three to five years ago that we were just going to put on the album. It very quickly became all new material, so I’d say about three-quarters of the songs are songs we wrote in the studio. It just happened very quickly, we got everything done in two weeks.”