Famous Grunge Band Want To Collaborate With Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme


Scenestr.com.au have a new interview up with LIVE frontman Ed Kowalczyk. He discussed wanting Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme to join the band in the studio.

“I’m really digging the bands that came out of the California desert scene like Queens Of The Stone Age and Eagles Of Death Metal. I love their approach to rock & roll and how rooted it is in the traditional form, but how adept they are at making it so interesting and fresh.

Josh Homme would be someone I would love to work with or produce a song of ours.”

He also gave an update on new LIVE material.

“The writing and production process just took a quantum leap after the new year. 2018 has been magical in that way so far.

I’m more excited than ever about our music and can’t wait to play the songs in concert. They are super rockin’, but I’m not sure who they sound like anymore… we are blowing the doors off the studio in ways that I didn’t imagine.

I don’t think I’ll ever go back to any kind of label or commit to anything that f^%$s with my creative process ever again. I spent 20 years of my life hearing ‘well, we’re not sure if it’s a single’ and stuff like that. Totally over it. Funny thing is, having that attitude is probably how you get singles.”