Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter Frances Bean Cobain sang/lip synced part of Sheryl Crow’s song “If It Makes You Happy” in a new Instagram video. You can watch the video below.
Cobain also posted the following on Instagram today:
“Mass shootings have been proven to be preventable in other countries when the restrictions to weapons of war are implemented. We do not need weapons of war for hunting or protection. People have died and will continue to die senselessly, horrifically if we don’t utilize the momentum of this moment to instill tangible change #oneless #gunreformnow.”
Post continues below the video.
Cobain also posted the following on Instagram:
I thought I would start this post by using a pure moment in Oahu amongst nature, with my love. This moment is a representation of who I am on February 13th, 2018. It feels significant here, now because it’s my 2nd sober birthday. It’s an interesting and kaleidoscopic decision to share my feelings about something so intimate in a public forum. The fact that I’m sober isn’t really public knowledge, decidedly and deliberately. But I think it’s more important to put aside my fear about being judged or misunderstood or typecast as one specific thing.
I want to have the capacity to recognize & observe that my journey might be informative, even helpful to other people who are going through something similar or different. It is an everyday battle to be in attendance for all the painful, bazaar, uncomfortable, tragic, fucked up things that have ever happened or will ever happen. Self destruction and toxic consumption and deliverance from pain is a lot easier to adhere to. Undeniably, for myself and those around me becoming present is the best decision I have ever made. How we treat our bodies directly correlates to how we treat our souls. It’s all interconnected. It has to be. So I’m gonna take today to celebrate my vibrant health and the abundance of happiness, gratitude, awareness, compassion, empathy, strength, fear, loss, wisdom, peace and the myriad of other messy emotions I feel constantly.
They inform who I am, what my intentions are, who i want to be and they force me to acknowledge my boundaries/limitations. I claim my mistakes as my own because I believe them to contribute to the dialogue of my higher education in life. I am constantly evolving. The moment I stop my evolution is the moment I disservice myself and ultimately those I love. As cheesy and cornball as it sounds life does get better, if you want it to. I’ll never claim I know something other people don’t. I only know what works for me and seeking to escape my life no longer works for me.
Peace, love, empathy (I’m going to reclaim this phrase and define it as something that’s mine, filled with hope and goodness and health, because I want to )
Frances Bean Cobain