Grunge Legend Had To Reveal Drug Use Before Moving In With Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love


Former Hole drummer Patty Schemel’s Hit So Hard: A Memoir is out Tuesday, Oct. 31 from Da Capo Press and will be available via Amazon. LA Weekly have published an excerpt:

I set up my drums, took off my shoes, and played three of their songs on the sweat lodge of a stage for Eric, who stood brooding with his guitar against the Tiffany blue walls of the bar.Kurt had come with her, but I think he listened from the other room, not wanting to be too much of an influence. Even with the fan Courtney insisted he purchased from Rite Aid down the block, I was sweating all over that place, and thought I’d faint from dehydration. After a rousing version of the Wipers song “Over the Edge,” we finally went outside to get some air.

“What kind of drugs do you do?” Courtney asked first thing, dragging on a Winston.

“Speed, I guess. And alcohol,” I said, leaving out the rest of the truth. “But I don’t play when I’m fucked up.”

“Braggart. Do you want to be my drummer?” I told her I did.

“Fine, it’s settled,” she said, “You’ll come stay with Kurt and me.”

It became obvious really quickly that she was going to become a significant person in my life.