Guns N’ Roses’ Matt Sorum Talks Hillary Clinton Inspiring Him After Being Left Out


Former Guns N’ Roses drummer Matt Sorum was recently interviewed by WRIF, and before the pre-recorded interview played, the host mentioned that he was asked to not ask about Guns N’ Roses during the interview. Despite this, Sorum hinted and alluded to his exclusion from Guns N’ Roses’ ‘Not In This Lifetime’ tour a few times during the interview. Alternative Nation transcribed some quotes from the 25 minute interview.

Sorum discussed his place in bands he’s been in, “I’ve always been a little bit more of an outspoken guy in a band, and maybe that’s why I move around so much (laughs).”

He later said, “Obviously there’s bands of mine that I’ve been playing with over the years that are out on the road doing different things. People go, ‘Hey Matt, Don’t you wish you were doing that?’ I go, ‘No, I like what the next thing brings.'”

Sorum later discussed having faith in rock and roll, and his outlook on life, specifically when it came to being left out of things.

“Don’t ever get like oh hey, I got left out of that, or I got left out of this. The idea is gratitude. I heard Hillary Clinton talk about this the other day. They were asking her about her faith, and she said she studies gratitude every day. I thought if we have a President who is pushing a sermon of gratitude, that sounds pretty good to me. Because we’re always kind of nay saying on everything in life, but we seem to forget what we have.

I always reflect on what I’ve been given. You don’t get it for free, you’ve got to go out and work for it, and you have to have a certain talent, and I don’t take my talent for granted. So when I go into a situation, I come in there ready, professional, with the best attitude possible. I’ve been blessed, I go, I’m grateful. That’s not always been me, I’ve got to be honest, but as you get a little older in life you go oh wow, life’s pretty good.”