Howard Stern made some funny jokes about Queen guitarist Brian May having the same hair as him on a recent show, but that it’s ‘not working’ for him. Stern was reacting to Queen’s recent Oscars performance with Adam Lambert, which was part of the hoopla surrounding the ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ film.
Fansite wrote in a recap: Howard said he gets freaked out when he sees Brian May’s hair. He said he has the same hair as he does. He said that he thinks about cutting his hair. He said that he looks like he should be in England as a lawyer or something. He said he’s having a laugh over his hair. He spent a minute talking about how he looks like he belongs in the courts over there.
Howard said he has grey in his hair and if it gets much more grey he’s cutting it short. He said it’s not working for Brian. Robin said she hasn’t seen him lately. Howard said people think he’s in Queen now.
Later on, Ralph said that Howard’s hair looks better than Brian May’s. He said Brian looks old. He said his hair is just hanging on by a thread. He said he’s not sure what he should do.