Howard Stern Reveals How He ‘Ruined’ Metallica


Howard Stern compared Spike Lee’s disrespect at the Oscars to his own actions against Metallica at the MTV VMA’s in the 90’s, according to a recap.

Howard said he can’t believe what he’s reading about Spike Lee in Page Six. He said that Spike won’t even look at him at the Knicks games. He said that the won’t say hello even if he’s next to Tracy Morgan. He said he thinks he hates him. Robin said she knows Spike hates Howard. Howard said he doesn’t hate Spike. He said the movie he made that deserved an award was the Malcolm X movie. He said that it wasn’t Do the Right Thing. He said that wasn’t the best movie he made. Howard said he thinks Malcolm X was a snub. He said it was so well done. He said he saw Black Klansman and that wasn’t a great movie. He said they gave him an award but he threw a fit when Green Book won. He said he tried to storm out. Howard said imagine the guy who directed Green Book. He said that they say Spike got so upset that he walked toward the back of the auditorium. He said fuck the Academy Awards. He said that there were two movies that won. He said Bradley Cooper will make another movie because A Star Is Born was huge at the box office. Howard said that’s what counts.

Howard read more about what Spike did and how Jordan Peele had to calm him down. Then he went back and turned his back to the stage. Howard said the guy is a little too excited about this stuff. He said it doesn’t make you any better a director if you win.

Gary said that Sal voted for Black Klansman in every category in their pool. He said they asked him why and he said that he knows that the academy likes to ”award those people.” Sal said that’s not what he said. He said Gary has it wrong. He said he didn’t say ”those people.” He said it’s the typical liberal Hollywood people who like to coddle the black people. Howard said they weren’t able to win for years. Sal said they’re keeping them happy now. Howard said Sal loves anything with the Klan in it. Sal said that’s not the case. He said this has nothing to do with race. He said he loves black people. He said Hollywood is so over the top. Robin asked if he won the pool. Sal said he didn’t but he came close. He said they knew Spike was going to go nuts. He said they were right.

Howard said Spike came back and turned his back to the stage. He said the guy who won for Green Book had to look at Spike’s back. He said that’s what he does at the Knick games. He said he has to calm down. He said it ain’t that important. Howard said you win at the box office. Howard said that’s how he does it. He said he has an audience there on satellite and he doesn’t win awards.

Howard said Black Klansman is a good movie but it’s not great. Robin asked if he would have had that reaction to any movie he did or just that one.

Howard said he doesn’t like a guy ruining someone else’s moment. He said he ruined Metallica’s moment at the MTV awards though. He said he didn’t mean to. He just thought being Fartman was funny.

On another episode, Stern said:

Howard said Luke [Perry] was there on MTV with him and Luke introduced him and then he introduced Metallica or something. He said he was his co-presenter actually. Howard said they introduced Metallica. Robin said then he upstaged them. Robin said they forgave him eventually for that. Robin said he still hasn’t forgiven her for that $800 bottle of wine.