Jennifer Lopez Shows Floatation Devices In Blue Photo


One person who does not age at all is Jennifer Lopez. Yes, as we all know – Jennifer Lopez has looked the same for over twenty years. What could it be that Jennifer uses to make this happen? Well, whatever it is she surely has done a great job and recently has even done a shoot showcasing just how good she looks. You can check out the photoshoot below via People for more details.

Now, when it comes to her marriage between her and Ben Affleck, that’s another story. The two have always had what seemed to be an on again off again type of relationship. The duo have had high points and low points. Recently, at a select few award events, the two just seemed totally out of it and could not even really lean into one another.

A video was done talking about the hypothesis that if one person leans into the other, but the other does not; than that means that the one leaning in is more attracted to that person. In the video, Jennifer Lopez was seen not leaning into Ben and he was seen leaning into her. Could this mean all that much? Again, it’s tough to say, but try not to take the internet at 100% at all times because you for sure won’t be happy with the outcome.