The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards‘ daughter Theodora Richards was recently photographed with Mick Jagger’s daughter Lizzy Jagger bending over at a ‘No Filter’ tour show. She wrote, “Writing out the love backstage with @theodorarichards on @therollingstones #nofiltertour @mickjagger.” Keith Richards’ daughter discussed being rejected last week.
Mad Max recently posted on, “Just realized they’ve removed ALL full shows from the No Filter 2017 leg on Youtube. Possible new stuff comin’ our way?”
Nikkei responded, “The 2017 tour constitutes a loss of mojo on a groundbreaking new level. Compared to 2018 it’s a whole different reality. They should release a box set of 2014 shows if you ask me.”
RebelHipi wrote, “Great catch. No Filter tour for me is their best since Babylon. Just my opinion. Yes the first couple shows of 17 were rusty but by around Zurich they were on top form.”
Mad Max later added, “F***in’ hell, are some of ya folks even Stones fans? I could spend a whole afternoon and evening drinking, singing and playing along to the latest Vault release, then do it all over again 2 Days later plus it’d be even more fun if it starts with Sympathy.
I think 2017 felt more fresh than 2018, the nocturnal intros is summat we haven’t seen for a long time and smaller indoor shows (or just Indoor, darkness gives it more edge) like the trio in Paris is always more preferred than a stadium show in broad daylight.” Keith Richards was accused of drunk driving by a big name a couple of weeks ago.