Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil revealed in a new Vulture interview that there is still more unreleased Chris Cornell solo material, along with Soundgarden material from their Sub Pop era. Thayil previously revealed Soundgarden were interested in revisiting the demoes they were working on for the followup to King Animal.
Is there anything left in the vaults?
There is some unreleased Chris solo work, which are nice little gems. And there is material from the Sub Pop period that has never been released.
How does it feel to be revisiting Chris’s work now through this retrospective?
This started over a year ago, so most of the revisiting went on the summer before this past one, when we came up with the general track list. Most of what I tended to [on the box set] was Soundgarden’s work, so I don’t have to listen to any of it; I can just look at the titles and reference it by memory just fine.
Any fan could conceivably put together a playlist of Soundgarden favorites. What perspective on Chris’s work were you hoping to show through your selections?
I guess I’m doing some of the work for them, I suppose. I can direct them to the … I don’t want to use the term “evolution,” because it gets misused, but to the growth and transformation of Chris’s talents, either as a songwriter and singer. There’s a chronological organization; it’s also organized by the various projects he was involved with.