Kurt Cobain’s Famous Girlfriend Wanted Him To Divorce Courtney Love


In a new How The Hell Did That Happen? with Mary Lou Lord and Maryanne Window podcast, Lord discussed her late ex-boyfriend, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Alternative Nation reporter Mike Mazzarone transcribed her comments.

Mary Lou Lord said, “So when Kurt [Cobain] had died, I had thought: ‘Oh, he’s with Courtney Love, this is not going to fucking last and when it ends I’m going to get in touch with him somehow or he will get in touch with me and I’m going to say ‘what the fuck were you thinking?’

It was inevitable [in my mind] that was going to happen and it didn’t. It was such a loss because not only did I lose him the first time around to Courtney, but I lost him again when he died. There was going to be no closure, none of me saying, ‘what the fuck were you thinking?’

So, it was a lot, and then when I met Elliott [Smith] and when he came into my life it softened all of that. I could put my feelings and my love into this and hold this preciously, like, ‘God, I don’t want to lose this.’ It just meant so much to me, his music and his friendship, it was really, really special.

Maryanne Window added, “Yeah, I can’t even imagine what you thought when you first heard him play.”