Linkin Park Member Reveals Why It’s ‘Not My Goal’ To Find New Singer


Linkin Park singer/guitarist Mike Shinoda discussed the band’s future in a new Rock Anetenne Hamburg interview (via LPLive).

On Linkin Park: “We all thrive making music. I’m sure we’re going to get together soon and hang out and see what’s up. I know the other guys, they love to be on stage, they love to be in a studio, and so to not do that would be like… I don’t know, almost like unhealthy.”

On new singer possibility: “It is not my goal to look for a new singer of Linkin Park. If it does happen, it has to happen naturally; if we find someone that is a great person and a good stylistic fit, I could see trying to do some stuff with somebody. I would never want to feel like we are replacing Chester.”

On live shows: “Out of respect for the fans, there are many fans that want to continue to see Linkin Park on stage and continue to hear the music. If we put a show online, they want to come. So, as long as that connection and interest is there, I think that is our driving force to figure out Linkin Park.”

On performing Linkin Park songs: “In the demo stages of those (LP) songs, I’d sing the original versions before Chester would re-sing stuff. Getting on stage today and singing one of those songs, it just goes back to the first version of the song.”

On Chester Bennington: “I want people to celebrate Chester. I celebrate him. The stuff we made, we were proud of. I always knew he could bring the songs to life. He was both a best friend/brother and a legend.”