Marilyn Manson Bandmate Open To Forming Supergroup With Smashing Pumpkins’ D’arcy & Big Names


After former Marilyn Manson keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy (aka Pogo) recently trashed Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan on Facebook, the band’s former bassist D’arcy Wretzky recently sent him an open note in the Alternative Nation comments section that we reported on.

“POGO: Thank you for your support & kind words Pogo! – and right back atcha! i remember how ‘fans’ used to get awfully confused when they met any of you and discovered that y’all were just ‘nice people’! I know i’ve said it before, but it definitely deserves repeating at least once every couple decades or so: You guys were always KIND?!!! ??, smart, funny, TALENTED, and a hell of a lot of fun!!! (and also helped to make much of that nightmare we shared so much more bearable) There’s just one thing that you left out tho: What do you call a ‘whiney little bitch’s bitch?’ ‘JAMES IHA’. ? D*”

Pogo linked to the Alternative Nation article featuring D’arcy’s note on Facebook and wrote, “Thanks D’Arcy.”

Daniele Santagiuliana commented on Pogo’s post, “Both you and her were working with two ego maniacs – and I am happy D’Arcy replied to you sending good vibes. You both brought so much into the best records of those decade, you are criminally underrated and not treated properly.”

Pogo responded, “But again, Brian really didn’t become that much of an a****** until after the drugs (or was it the $$$ that got the drugs?), not that that’s necessarily a complete excuse. Billy seems born that way.”

Daniele Santagiuliana commented, “True – probably was the fame that transformed Brian from a great frontman to a parody of a rockstar… instead Corgan has always been self absorbed to the point of narcissism…”

Pogo responded, “I don’t know about that. I don’t think his ego was ever small… I think it had more to do with material things like drugs and money.”

Ian Saint commented, “I hope that Alternative Nation reports on that new band – with you on keys, D’Arcy on bass, Steven Adler on drums, Dave Navarro on guitar, and Sebastian Bach on vocals!”

Pogo responded, “Not a big fan of Sebastian Bach, the rest of that sounds pretty cool though.”

“I’m going to be honest, Matt S. is much better and my friend.”

“And seriously, would alternative rockers waste the only thing they have, their credibility, hanging around metal dudes?”