Metallica members James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo, and Lars Ulrich appeared on the ‘I’m Listening’ suicide prevention broadcast on Sunday. Alice In Chains singer/guitarist William DuVall also appeared. Alternative Nation transcribed their comments.
DuVall said, “Did you know that in the United States more people die by suicide each year than by homicide? That’s 50% more. Suicides are [preceded] by mental health problems, hopelessness, perceived burdensomeness, and desperation, but I’m listening, and so is someone at 1-800-273-8255.”
Hetfield said, “Hey there we’re the boys of Metallica, and suicidal thinking happens to anyone at anytime. Talking about it is the most important thing. You are not alone, I’m listening.”
Hammett said, “It is not a sign of weakness to see a doctor when you’re depressed. Unfortunately, the very nature of depression drains the desire and energy to talk with family members or seek professional help. If you are depressed, the most courageous thing you can do is to call 1-800-273-8255.”
Trujillo said, “Every 11.9 seconds in the United States alone, somebody completes a suicide. This is not good, so let’s keep people alive, let’s keep people healthy, the spirits up.”
Ulrich said, “And remember, there’s nothing wrong with anything that you are feeling. Depression is the most prevalent mental health disorder. Over 20 million American adults suffer depressive illnesses in any given year. Suicide is an international problem and a major public health concern. I am listening. Call 1-800-273-8255.”