Metallica Called Out For James Hetfield Relapse In Photo


Metallica singer James Hetfield is in rehab after a relapse, and while it hasn’t been specified what he relapsed on, Hetfield has admitted to suffering from alcoholism, leading many to speculate that is the reason he is back in treatment after years of sobriety. James Hetfield made a huge announcement yesterday, confirming his plans for 2020.

Metallica recently posted a photo of members Kirk Hammett and Robert Trujillo promoting the band’s whiskey, and they turned off the comments on Instagram. They wrote, “Wow – Corpus Christi knows how to show up! Kirk and Rob had a blast meeting the literal hundreds of you who lined up early and came out to get your bottle of #blackenedwhiskey signed. #blackentheworld.”

Fans pointed out on Reddit that the band had turned off the comments. Wwobbuffet posted, “Maybe because of all the where is James comments.”

James Hetfield ‘replacing’ a Metallica bassist was revealed earlier this week. Metal23 commented, “I think what people are forgetting to realize is that bands are pretty much big businesses now. They release products they know their fan base will like. Slipknot has a whiskey as well and many of them have struggled with addiction over the years, including Paul Gray dying from an overdose. When deciding to go into this endeavor, Metallica invested a lot into the project and a lot of people are dependent on the product succeeding.

Does it look bad now? Sure, but let’s not forget that James had a reputation of being sober for over 15 years before they decided to do this. It’s not like a relapse is planned. The guys are fulfilling their contractual obligations and trying to make the best of it. They don’t need millions of people reminding them about James’s situation every second of the day. They know what’s going on and they’re dealing with it as best they can.”

Ashbyashbyashby said, “Yeah, having an official line of booze really isn’t a good look when your rock-god frontman relapses into alcoholism. I think a lot of fans are calling out this pointless foray.” A Metallica icon revealed if he really quit drinking last week.

Metallica Instagram turned off comments under Whiskey photo from r/Metallica