Metallica Fans Accuse Famous Rapper Of Blatant Ripoff


Metallica fans accused rapper Josh A of copying the band’s logo for the cover of his new album Fearless.

QARSOK posted, “This rapper (Josh A) copied Metallicas fond for his logo. The a is even a complete replica of Metallicas a on their logo.”

MonicaRising posted, “There was a Metallica font generator that was popular like a year ago or so. I used it on my own name since my name starts with an M and ends with an A, I thought it was pretty cool.”

jimmyyoudumbfuck posted, “If he copied the lyrics i’d de worried, but the logo? Is not that big of a deal, maybe he liked Metallica and that’s all?”

iSkellington posted, “Irrational fanboys get upset over inspiration stuff like this all the time. Best to just ignore it. Because, like the people taking inspiration from outside sources, its harmless. They’re just passionate about the band. Their passion is just a little misplaced.”

XenoPrym posted, “So many people steal the font to where its almost annoying.”

SharkFart86 posted, “It’s not even annoying, it’s just boring. Like I don’t care about it on a moral level at all, whatever use the font if you want, but it’s just so been-done that I don’t know what people are even getting out if it.”

iSkellington posted, “Like Bleeding Cowboy.

The most atrocious typeface known to man. And so overused.”

This rapper (Josh A) copied Metallicas fond for his logo. The a is even a complete replica of Metallicas a on their logo. from r/Metallica