The Rolling Stones members Mick Jagger and Charlie Watts went to Rock N’ Bowl in New Orleans on October 10, 1994 to see Beau Jocque and the Hi-Rollers perform, and the story has recently resurfaced as the Stones are on tour. Gene Simmons even recently made a disgusting remark about Mick Jagger’s weight.
But back to the New Orleans story, Jagger’s group, which included 7 friends showed up, and the band’s security guard asked to get in, and was told by Sherry Blady Pitre, who collected money at the door, that there was a $35 cover charge for the group.
The security guard said, “You’re going to charge Mick Jagger to get into your club?”
Pitre responded, “Is he going to let me into his concert for free?”
The guard turned around and went back outside. Pitre shouted up to a fellow owner John Blancher, asking if she should let Mick Jagger in for free.
Blancher misheard her. He remembers, “I thought she said, ‘Should I let Big Daddy in?’ ” Blancher recalled. “That’s what I heard. I never would have thought that Mick Jagger was about to walk through the door. And if I had heard ‘Mick Jagger,’ I would have thought she was bulls******* me.” Blancher told Pitre to charge the $5, as he misunderstood if it was Jagger. Jagger’s group were prepared to pay, with Charlie Watts taking out his wallet, but one of their guards ended up paying for the group.
Blancher offered to buy them drinks. They declined, with Jagger drinking water. Jagger and Watts received applause as they left. You can read the full article on NOLA recapping the story.
Van Halen frontman David Lee Roth recently discussed Mick Jagger’s health on Lipps Service with Scott Lipps. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments. Keith Richards recently reacted to a bad photo of Mick Jagger.
David Lee Roth: For $1,000 a ticket ?
Scott Lipps: For $1,000 a ticket I would probably still go still see the Stones.
Roth: I would absolutely go see the Stones, and not just because they’re on a short fuse, okay. No really, Mick could not outrun the french frying, if we’re gonna be of any social value here, I will share with you. Don’t fool yourself. Because he stayed thin and skinny, what’s he got? 1/3 percent body fat. He’s all legs and lungs, you know.
Lipps: He looks great, he sings great.
Roth: Mick’s abdomen is so strong, that’s like a forge. That’s like a steam shovel or something. When Mick finally passes away, they’re gonna take three roadies and have to beat his abdomen to death in order to get it into the box.